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Giving Back

Giving Back

The social impact of direct selling is just as important as its economic impact. Beyond being a vehicle for individuals to create incremental income, direct selling also plays an important role in Canadian society through:

  • Support of philanthropic and charitable causes, through member company’s own cause-based organizations and through donations of time, money and products to highly regarded charities across the country.
  • The creation of tax revenue for all levels of government, which in turn assists important investments in crucial community assets, such as healthcare, education and social infrastructure.
  • Providing opportunities to segments of society that might not ordinarily participate in entrepreneurial activities, helping to developing and hone skills that lead to future innovation and economic growth.

Charitable Contributions by Direct Sellers in Canada

Through the charitable activities of member companies of the DSA Canada, their employees, and their independent sales consultants, the industry gives back to the communities and people across Canada.

Annually (based on 2022 data), this includes:

  • $2.50 million in cash donations
  • $4.41 million in in-kind donations
  • 1,500+ volunteer hours by employees of DSA Canada member companies