Government Relations
Government Relations
On behalf of its members and their independent sales consultants (ISCs), DSA Canada plays an active role in the public arena, impacting policy and advocating for important issues at federal, provincial and municipal levels.
Our key government relations functions are:
- Keeping abreast of legislative issues that affect direct selling
- Remaining a constructive influence on policy makers, by maintaining relationships with key government portfolios
- Actively advocating for policy and regulatory measures that will support the success of the direct selling industry
- Communicating to inform members of relevant issues and to seek feedback, through various channels such as our Government Relations and Health & Environment Committees, calls to action, regular newsletters, webinars and seminars

Issues of Interest
As the voice for Canada’s direct selling industry, DSA Canada works on many issues that do or potentially could impact our member companies, their ISCs and consumers. We work across all levels of government and with numerous departments, ministries, agencies and committees.
More recently, DSA Canada has been involved in issues in the following areas:
- Canadian Competition Bureau
- DSA Canada works with the Competition Bureau to ensure both a fair regulatory playing-field, with checks and balances to prevent illegal business practices, while supporting direct selling’s unique and growing business model.
- Our work in this area focuses on Sections 55 and 55.1 of the Competition Act.
- Health Canada
- DSA Canada participates in regular bilateral and multilateral meetings with Health Canada, focusing on product licensing and approvals.
- Canadian Revenue Agency
- We advocate to ensure favourable tax requirements for independent sales consultants.
- Trade negotiations and the de minimis threshold
- Canadian direct selling companies are part of a well-integrated sector across North America. Our members hold in common the important theme of cooperation with business partners and suppliers in the United States and Mexico. As such, we believe it is important to keep tariffs low.
- In particular, we advocate that Canada’s de minimis level (the tax-free threshold on imports) should not increase. Any increase in tax-free imports will negatively impact the competitiveness of Canadian entrepreneurs.
- Provincial issues
- DSA Canada is focused on ensuring that direct selling businesses are able to thrive across Canada and that their operation is not hindered by provincial regulation.
Annual Day on the Hill
DSA Canada’s major government relations event each year is our Day on the Hill in Ottawa. This annual initiative helps keep direct selling industry issues top-of-mind for elected officials and helps to develop relationships between DSA Canada members and policy makers.
On many issues, DSA Canada partners with like-minded stakeholders, such as other associations and industry groups, both within and outside the direct selling industry. By working together, we can be even more influential on the topics of interest that we share. DSA Canada will continue to seek out alliances where they make sense for our strategy and goals.