Industry Statistics and Research
Industry Statistics and Research
The direct selling industry is a dynamic segment of our economy, with 1.1 million Canadians involved on the selling side and over 14 million involved as consumers. Industry and economic data backs up the importance of direct selling to Canada.
To support direct selling, DSA Canada completes a regular Socio-Economic Impact Study, coordinates other research projects and collects data from third-party sources, such as Statistics Canada, the US Direct Selling Association and the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations.
Industry Statistics
Canadian Industry
- 100+ companies utilizing a direct selling model in Canada
- 1.1 million independent sales consultants (ISCs)
- $3.38 billion in annual sales
- $1.57 billion in annual personal revenue to ISCs
- $1.47 billion in national and local taxes paid out annually:
- $966 million in direct tax revenue
- $504 million in indirect and induced tax revenues.
- $8.74 billion total economic impact (direct & indirect benefits)
Independent Sales Consultants (ISCs)
- 1.1 million ISCs across Canada
- Gender: 84% female; 16% male
- Geographic split: 14% rural; 37% urban; 49% suburban
- Age ranges: 18-24 = 9%; 25-34 = 23%; 35-44 = 26%; 45-54 = 20%; 55-64 = 14%; 65+ = 8%
- Distribution by province: There are ISCs in every province and territory of Canada, ranging from 34% of total ISCs in Ontario and 15% in Alberta to 0.05% in the Northwest Territories and 2% in Nova Scotia
- Charity: 95% of ISCs support charities focused on health and human services; 60% volunteer 40+ hours for charities helping women
- Percentage of ISC household income from direct selling: 72% derive less than 10%; 21% derive 10%-49%; 7% derive 50%+
- Top three expenses ISCs spend their direct selling income on: daily expenses; personal goods and services; paying down debt
* Statistical information comes from multiple sources including the 2022 Socio-Economic Impact of Direct Selling in Canada and is updated as new data becomes available.
Global Industry
- US $186.9 billion in annual sales
- Over 128 million independent sales consultants
- Canada is one of 24 countries with sales exceeding one billion US dollars in 2021
- Canada ranks eleventh globally in direct selling sales in 2021
- Geographic split: 20% rural; 41% urban; 39% suburban
- Age Ranges: 18-34 = 19%; 35-49 = 34%; 50-64 = 32%; 65+ = 15%
- Top three reasons for utilizing direct selling:
- Product quality (76%);
- Relationship with ISC (71%);
- Customer service (47%)
2022 Socio-Economic Impact Study
Industry Research

In June 2022, DSA Canada commissioned its third annual independent consumer research initiative to help provide insights into the Canadian economy, consumer motivations and sentiment towards the direct selling industry.
The survey asked a series of questions to a representative group of Canadians, ensuring an accurate picture according to age, gender, educational attainment and region. DSA Canada hopes to complete similar research annually, to track changes in industry perception.
Download a copy of the Executive Summary for key findings and more information. A copy of the full research paper is available to DSA Canada members.